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- xirong/Awesome-ChatGPT-with-AI: Some materials collected during personal study of AI LLM such as ChatGPT, including a series of prompts with good performance on the internet. 个人学习 chatGPT 等 AI 大模型过程中收集的资料 (github.com)shu.cn)
- https://github.com/Anduin2017/HowToCook,程序员在家做饭烹饪指南
- 《积电张忠谋 | 阿里巴巴蔡崇信 同台圆桌访谈2023.10》 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1BN411s7Uv 世界真是太小了,张忠谋当年去台湾下飞机见到的第一个人是蔡崇信父亲,当时是德州仪器的代表律师。
蔡:智力是能力与勤奋的结合。Intellect is a combination of aptitude and hard work.
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- conanhujinming/tips_for_interview: 我的一些面试心得;自学CS历程分享;找工作求职经验分享 (github.com),胡津铭大佬的面试心得,文字非常有温度。
- 【系统设计,Grokking_Modern_System_Design_Interview_for_Engineers_&_Managers.rar】Jeevan-kumar-Raj/Grokking-System-Design: Systems design is the process of defining the architecture, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. Systems design could be seen as the application of systems theory to product development. (github.com)
- Tiny RDM 一个现代化轻量级的跨平台Redis桌面客户端,支持Mac、Windows和Linux。tiny-craft/tiny-rdm: A Modern Redis GUI Client (github.com)